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5 star game this was so much to play, I really enjoyed myself keep up the great job

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I am  getting slightly better... Can you implement a highscore ranking? Then I am ambitious enough and will play daily :-D :-D :-D Madita

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Wow! :o Nice score! Implementing a high score system is a little bit more advanced because the data needs to be stored on a seperate server (as far as I know). But I will look into it if I find the time :) So many projects at once! :D

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Ich habs auch mal angezockt. Echt meditativ  und macht ziemlich Spaß, weil es komplexer ist als man zuerst vermuten könnte :D Madita

I would really love seeing someone getting more than 500 points! :D

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I love tiny islands too, and your derivative is nice! good job : )

That's great! Thank you for playing and sharing your score :)